Compare Home Insurance
Home insurance is considered a necessity by most homeowners. Apart from mortgage lenders insisting on buildings insurance, most people want the protection of insurance against the loss of, or damage to contents. Even if you take all the necessary precautions with regular maintenance and fitting of security measures, criminal activity, events of nature or accidents can still take place. Fires and storms can do enormous damage to your home, and intruders can take high value items. Most people are not in the fortunate position of standing these losses which is why home insurance, with the peace of mind that it brings, is so popular. However, peace of mind comes at a considerable cost so it is important to get the best possible deal. Having said that, cheapest is not always best and care is needed when selecting cover. At Money Discount Centre we will help you find the most appropriate
policy to cover your needs.
Get the best deal on your home insurance.
Building Insurance covers the structure of the house as well as such permanent fixtures as kitchens, bathrooms and fireplaces. It covers fire and flood, subsidence, storm damage, falling trees and burst pipes. It also covers third party claims and legal fees. As with most insurance policies, there will be exclusions so be sure to read the small print. Remember, it is 'small print' for a purpose. Most people can't be bothered to read through the often archaic writing and are shocked when they find their claim is not covered. Take time to read and don't be caught out. Buildings insurance needs to cover the total rebuild cost of your home. This is usually less than the market value of the property.
Contents insurance premiums vary enormously depending on the type of cover you require. New for old and accidental damage are obviously going to be more expensive. Don't underestimate the value of your contents as any claim would be affected. The additional option of personal insurance for named items that are used outside the home can be added to the policy for an additional charge.
There are special policies for students while they are away from home. These may or may not cover bicycles so, as always, check for exclusions.
Whatever your requirements, we at Money Discount Centre will make your search for the best product a less onerous task.